A framework for the evaluation of buildings in the context of climate change for Turkey

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Sarıcıoğlu P., Ayçam İ.

Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online), vol.4, no.2, pp.249-272, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


A framework which evaluates buildings in the context of climate risks is suggested for Turkey. The study is aimed to create a framework based on literature which can assess climate change effects on building scale. The framework has risk identification, risk analysis, risk assessment and conclusion-recommendations steps. According to these steps, high temperature and flood risks are critical for Turkey. In the method for risk analysis step, these climate risks for buildings are assessed with a qualitative method which is focused on a certain area with specific climatic data. In the risk assessment step, the method is done with using a 5-point Likert scale by taking expert opinion. After the results of risk score, suggestions can be made in the recommendation/conclusion phase. In conclusion, high temperature, flood and wildfire risk effects buildings’ energy demand, building parts, energy consumption, building materials respectively. Since this proposed framework is a general framework, it gives results that vary according to the climate data according to the region/city/building. Regarding the potential risk scenarios, it was understood that building design must be adapted to the climate change effects and should have been evaluated by a climate-risk assessment framework properly.