Determination of the Effect of Filler Metal Type on Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties in Welding of QStE 420 TM Steel by MAG Welding Method

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JOURNAL OF POLYTECHNIC-POLITEKNIK DERGISI, vol.23, no.2, pp.321-332, 2020 (ESCI) identifier identifier


In this study; QStE 420 TM steel sheet plate material with fine grained and micro alloy structure, which is widely used in sectors such as defense industry and automotive industry, has been welded separately by massive and fluxed cored filler wire in metal active gas welding method. The mechanical and metallurgical effects of different filler wires on the weld zone (main metal, heat affected zone and weld metal) were investigated by tensile, guided bend, notch impact, hardness measurement tests and macro graphic, micro graphic examinations. As a result of the tests performed; it was observed that the selected welding parameters provided the expected mechanical and metallurgical properties of welded joints.