Fourier Analaysis and Modelling of Milling Force Signals

Bayram B. S., Korkut İ.

7. Uluslararası 19 Mayıs Yenilikçi Bilimsel Yaklaşımlar Kongresi, Samsun, Turkey, 19 - 20 May 2022, vol.7, no.47, pp.47-57

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 7
  • City: Samsun
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.47-57
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


One of the most important development at production technology is the development that is at software engineering. The software provided many engineering calculations to be performed much faster and correctly. Widespread use of new software in the industry has also affected production speed positively. The main working principles of these software are based on taking inputs of some mathematical or physical problems from the user and calculating the solutions within a certain systematic. To evaluate the accuracy of the results, the system needs to be measured and compared with the real data. The softwares and measurement systems work at an electronic environment. This situation requires discrete time processing due to the nature of the system. In parallel with the developments in the technology rapid production needs and the problems occurred in the production development draw the attention researchers to this direction. Many works have been carried out, to increase milling operations that has an important place at the production to high performances. Especially the studies in the fields of materials, production and software technologies were effective in the emergence of products with high performance and flexible geometries. Advances in software have produced tailored solutions for tool design, analysis and manufacturability and contributed to the production of high-performance cutters in different geometries. In addition, numerical analyzes made before production enabled the necessary parameters for the cutting tool and many production errors to be determined beforehand, thus enabling the most efficient use of resources. In this study, it was investigated how to obtain continuous time estimation functions using discrete time data. The force data were analyzed by Fourier series and it was seen that the data converged at high speed. A prediction model based on fitting experimental samples to a sinusoidal function, that can contribute to various studies in the field of shear such as force analysis, dynamic calculations and energy calculations, is presented. The performances of the prediction that is made by using this model has been evaluated and accurate with the experimental measurement.