
XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology (15-21 July 2018)

Dr. Pınar Yaprak, the ISA-RC27 (Sociology of Sport Research Committee) Board Member, attended the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology held in Canada on 15-21 July 2018, Toronto, and presented her paper titled "In Quest of Safeguarding Children’s Welfare in and through Sport". The congress hosted thousands of scholars from all around the World.

For more details, see the ISA congress web page:

The attached visual is from the web page where the book of abstract of the ISA RC27 is also published post-congress in addition to the congress web page:

About [sports forum]

The forum is one of the active channels providing international sociology of sport content. The is "a non-refereed, open access sport studies web journal, publishing scientific and popular science articles on sport studies and sport science research, primarily within social science and the humanities. The journal also publishes book reviews of Nordic and international literature in a wider sense associated with sport studies and sport science research. Emphasis is placed on the mutual interaction between sport and society. is registered at the Royal Academic Library with ISSN 1652-7224... welcomes your contributions".  You can learn more about the Forum through the following web site: