Antimicrobial activity and chemical compositions of Turkish propolis from different regions

Katircioglu H., Mercan N.

AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, cilt.5, sa.11, ss.1151-1153, 2006 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Yayın Türü: Makale / Tam Makale
  • Cilt numarası: 5 Sayı: 11
  • Basım Tarihi: 2006
  • Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.1151-1153
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: propolis, chemical composition, antimicrobial activity, BRAZILIAN PROPOLIS, ANTIBACTERIAL
  • Gazi Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


The antimicrobial activity of propolis against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and its chemical composition were evaluated by the method of agar-well diffusion and GC-MS, respectively. Some typical compounds samples were identified in the propolis samples. Principal component analysis revealed that the chemical composition of propolis samples was distinct based on the geographical location of the samples. It was found that flavonoids, chrysin, flavanones and cinnamic acid were the predominant compounds in the propolis samples.