24th EUPSA CONGRESS, İzmir, Türkiye, 7 - 10 Haziran 2023
Aim of the Study: Juvenile broadenomas are a rare variant of all fibroadenomas. Infarction of fibroadenomas is very rare. To our knowledge this is the third reported case of spontaneous
hemorrhagic infarction of juvenile fibroadenoma without predisposing factors.
Case description: A 14‐year‐old girl presented to our clinic with a palpable mass in her left breast, which
she noticed one week ago. On examination, a mass approximately 2 cm in diameter and approximately 2
cm lateral to the areola, was palpated in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Deformity, redness,
and tenderness were not detected in the breast. The patient has no family history of breast cancer,
trauma, use of oral contraceptives, or previous breast intervention. In the ultrasonography, the mass
was reported as a heterogeneous hypoechoic solid mass BI‐RADS3. The patient was followed up with
USG control every 6 months. In the nal ultrasonography performed 22 months after first application,
the mass was evaluated as BI‐RADS 4A. In the surgery, a crescent‐shaped incision was made in the left half of the left breast areola, and the 3.4x2x1.7 cm mass was excised in one piece and sent for
pathological examination.
Conclusions: To our knowledge, there are 2 previously reported cases of spontaneous hemorrhagic
infarction in juvenile fibroadenoma in the literature. In this case, we operated the patient because of her
ultrasonographic evaluation BI‐RADS‐3 to BI‐RADS‐4A. The patient did not have a predisposing factor in
her anamnesis. The excisional biopsy result was reported as juvenile broadenoma with hemorrhagic