Archiscapes: To Touch Upon The Alternative Approaches To Urban Transformation Process Within The Context Of Housing

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Yılmaz İ., Çağlar T. N., Aksu A.

International Network Symposium 2011, Daegu, South Korea, 10 - 14 October 2011, pp.1-10

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Daegu
  • Country: South Korea
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-10
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


Urban Housing related design usually requires a much more systematic approach than other forms of design because of the quantity and complexity of the information involved. It is often more of a political exercise and less of a technical challenge, as urban housing landscapes have to accommodate the complex, sometimes intangible, diverse and changing needs of a large number of people. Also, because any urban masterplan, transformation plan, regeneration, gentrification can affect the quality of life of thousands of people. Within this context in this paper, characterizing an experimental design studio, an alternative urban housing design developed in the Archi-Scapes Studio, one of the WS-RADS 2010 Intensive programme studios, is illustrated and debated through its non conventional approaches, critical thoughts towards the housing problematic, cultural design decisions, and ideological choices. Thusly, a touch upon the alternative approaches to urban transformation process within the context of housing is being discussed.