Experimental and theoretical investigation of workpiece surface profiles in electrical discharge machining (EDM) Elektro erozyon ile işlemede (EEI) işarçsi yüey pürüzlülük profilinin deneysel ve teorik olarak incelenmesi

ÇOĞUN C., Kocabaş B., ÖZGEDİK A.

Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, vol.19, no.1, pp.97-106, 2004 (Scopus) identifier


In this study, surface profiles of workpieces machined under varying machining parameters are investigated experimentally and theoretically in electric discharge machining (EDM). Workpiece specimens are prepared from 2080 tool steel, which is widely used in die making. Effects of machining parameters, namely, discharge current, pulse duration and dielectric flushing pressure on surface roughness are also investigated. It is found that surface roughness increases with increasing discharge current, pulse duration and flushing pressure. Surface profile information obtained from the measurement instrument is transferred to computer using a software. Surface profile information is digitized using another software and they are modeled in form of Fourier series. It is found that the profiles can be well presented by Fourier series with 20 terms.