Examination of cyberloafing studies in education: A content analysis

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Karademir Coşkun T., Gökçearslan Ş.

WORLD JOURNAL ON EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, cilt.11, sa.1, ss.94-103, 2019 (Scopus) identifier


Mobile technologies are useful. However, several mobile technologies also have disadvantages for students besides their advantages. Cyberloafing is one of these critical situations that the students could experience. Several studies on cyberloafing were conducted worldwide. The present study aimed to analyse these studies based on variable frequency, workgroups, data collection instruments,research methods and distribution of studies among countries. This study aimedto evaluate the results ofthe publications found in theGoogle Scholar, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus, ProQuest, Sage, Taylor and Francis databases with a search using ‘cyberloafing’ keyword and published between 2013 and March 2018. The present study would provide insightinto existing studies and their shortcomings and it would also provide guidance for further research