A New Approach for Attaining Admissible and Applicable Output Through A Sustainable and Iterative Design Education Process

Çalgüner A., Ünal B., Demirci M., Bodur G.

Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, sa.31, ss.1-24, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


As an interactive project-based problem-solving process, design education entails a sustainable but
applicable approach systematically combining a cognitive network’s morphological, functional, and
conceptual aspects. The framework presented in this study has been designated for ensuring the
framework of a specific design education process, demonstrating logic-oriented phases, necessitating an
overall scaled association process that consists of a range of alternative ideas sample solutions, and a set
of anti-thesis for each case. The operating process portrays a multi-linear flow that should be formulated
with a linear structure that could be defined visually by a rounded path to illustrate the comprehensiveness
across the timeline along the traditional track through a systematic vision. The framework stated in this
study is a compiler guideline aiming to enable provisional circumstances for a specific system structure
that effectuate various components due to design education. Besides attaining admissible and applicable
student output, it also can pave the way for creative student works in various disciplines basing on studio