7th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2024) October 02-04, 2024.anka, Ankara, Türkiye, 2 - 04 Ekim 2024, ss.263
Olive leaf is a rich source in terms of phenolic substance content and its use in traditional medicine. In this
study, the yield of phenolic substances in extracts obtained from olive leaves using NADES (natural deep
eutectic solvents) was compared with the data of traditional soxhlet method. In the research, UAE
(ultrasonically assisted extraction) method was used in NADES mixture (choline chloride-lactic acid) and
extracts were taken by Soxhlet method for method comparison. The extracts obtained were analysed with
HPLC device and phenolic content was determined. Experimental design was performed using Design Expert
11 demo version and optimisation study was performed with 13 experiments by selecting NADES water ratio,
temperature, olive leaf/NADES ratio as independent variables. The optimum extraction parameters were
determined with the experimental data and the method was compared with the reference soxhlet method (70%
ethanol 30% water) for 6 hours. While the total phenolic content was 2764.2 ug/g in the UAE method, this value
was found to be 29949.9 ug/g in the soxhlet method. The soxhlet method is 10.8 times more efficient
than the UAE method in terms of extraction efficiency. However, considering the amount of solvent and time
spent in the Soxhlet method, it was concluded that NADES extraction with UAE is an improvable method.