11. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi , Antalya, Türkiye, 10 - 12 Kasım 2010, ss.317-320
The purpose of this study, it has been aimed to find an answer to the question whether liquid is lost
as hematocrit value. In order to determine the hematrocrit value, Pico 17 model hematocrit
centrifuge of Therma Haraeus brand has been used. The measurements outside the pool have been
made in an indoor environment, which had the humidity of 60% and the temperature of 28’C, fifteen
minutes before and five minutes after the training and the score of 50m free style swimming has
been measured in a fifty-meter-long pool with the tempreture of 27’C, five minutes before and ten
minutes after the training. All the measurements for each swimmer have lasted two days. On the
first day, the swimmers were reinforced with water but on the second day they were asked to
continue their training without the water reinforcement. In the pool, the swimmers have been made
to an aerobic swimming training at the intensity of 70-75% for two hours. The water reinforcement
has been made by means of half liter bottles with the heat of 15’C. The water reinforcement has
been applied with the quantity of one liter, half a liter being given at the end of either hour. On both
days, all the measurements have been repeated before and after the training. In the analyses of the
data provided by our study, SPSS 15 program has been used and a cut of point in all the statistical
analyses has been taken as 0.05.