6th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Pitesti, Romanya, 23 - 25 Ekim 2014
This paper focuses on the theoretical and experimental analyzes on the dynamics of a magnetopiezoelectric pendulum system under the magnetic excitation. Initially, it handles the theoretical modelling of the problem including the mechanical, magnetic and electrical terms of the system. The theoretical formulation of the pendulum system is realized based on the experimental parameters. Then, a detailed experimental survey has been carried out for the system parameters, namely the magnetic field frequency f and amplitude V (i.e. proportional to the amplitude of the field). In the last part, the nonlinear patterns from the theoretical and experimental studies are discussed. It will be pointed out that the periodic magnetic flux can cause different responses in the magneto-piezoelectic system from regular dynamics to chaotic one. Phase space constructions, Poincare sections, FFTs and THDs are determined for certain parameter sets. A sample harvester application of the system will also be introduced at the end of the paper.