Intelligent Face Border Generation System from Fingerprints

Ozkaya N., Sagiroglu Ş.

IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, 1 - 06 June 2008, pp.2171-2173 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/fuzzy.2008.4630670
  • City: Hong Kong
  • Country: PEOPLES R CHINA
  • Page Numbers: pp.2171-2173
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


Although biometries is a deeply studied field, relationships among biometric features have not been studied in the field so far. In this study, we have analysed the existence of any relationship among biometric features. Also we have tried to generate the face border of a person using only fingerprint biometric feature of the same person without any information about his or her face. Consequently, for generating face borders from only fingerprints, we have designed and introduced a novel intelligent system based on artificial neural networks having the absolute percent errors between 1.49 and 9.86. Experimental results have shown that fingerprints and face borders have relations among each other closely. In addition, it is demonstrated that generating face borders from fingerprints without knowing any information about faces is possible. Although this study has been the first step of the research, the results are very encouraging and promising for new challenges.