An Evaluation About Actuality of Traditional Medicine Aplications in the Context of Modernism-Postmodernism

Ersoy R.

MILLI FOLKLOR, no.101, pp.182-192, 2014 (AHCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Journal Name: MILLI FOLKLOR
  • Journal Indexes: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Scopus, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.182-192
  • Keywords: Modernism, postmodernism, folk medicine, traditional medicine, transformation, capitalism
  • Gazi University Affiliated: No


When compared with modernism and postmodernism, it is seen that postmodernism has a structure compelling modernism wall even criticizing it. Modernism produces an arranger manner in the fields of all science and art. In the modernist approach based on positive sciences together with secularism; everthing except human intelligence, perfectionism and laboratory is either suspected or ignored. Development of and domination form of Western modernism are also similar to capitalism which is own economic system of Western. Against this strict attitude, postmodernism has been born, this situation has also started to change borders of scientific information. In this process, on the one hand an interdiscipline science understanding has shown a development across extent of social sciences, on the other hand a period which local taken over has been entered into. When evoluated in terms of folk culture, components of folk culture which has been described as the other, provincial or not modern are observed getting meaning mutually in the all field of city life and formal culture. In this process, folk medicine or traditional medicine has started to compell borders of modern medicine. Although modern medicine refuses, these traditional practices still obtaining their availabilities have became an applied method in circumstances which modern medicine has been insufficient or has not be able to convince people. At the last point, it has been seen that folk medicine practices have been put on agenda again by public enterprise also including Western. In Turkey, the studies of Ministry of Health and universities are available on this issue. Postmodern approach and statement while putting forward folk medicine practices in this way, they process folk medicine practices in such a manner that capitalism want. In other words, however, it is seen that as if postmodernism is against to modernism, it doesn't touch relationship between modernism and capitalism and presents all localities putting forward to capitalism services similar to what modernism does.