19TH MAGHREB CONGRESS OF PEDİATRIC SURGERY, Marrakech, Fas, 29 Nisan - 01 Mayıs 2023
Introduction: In a male neonate, causes of a painless scrotal mass include torsion of the spermatic cord, scrotal hematoma, hematocele, hernia, hydrocele, and tumor. Testicular teratoma is one of the most common type of testicular neoplasms in neonates. We aimed to emphasize that testiscular teratoma is of utmost importance in the differantial diagnosis of painless testicular masses of neonates.
Case presentation: A boy born at 37 weeks of gestation, who was monitored closely due to left multicystic kidney detected antenatally, had a left sided noticeable scrotal swelling at birth. Clinical examination revealed a left sided, painless, well-circumscribed, and non-translucent scrotal mass of 3*2cm in size. Left testis could not be felt separately. Right testis was normal. Serum α-fetoprotein and β-human chorionic gonadotropin levels were normal for the age (53,718 ng./dl. and <0.5 mIU/ml., retrospectively). Ultrasound on day 2 of life showed 2.5*1.5 cm testicular mass with solid and cystic components. On day 4 of life, the patient underwent high inguinal orchiectomy. Histopathological examination of the mass revealed mature cystic teratoma. Child was discharged uneventfully. 1-year floow-up of the patient was of no clinical problem.
Conclusion: The importance of high index of suspicion of a neonate with painless scrotal mass can not be overemphasized. Testicular teratoma should included in the differantial diagnosis of scrotal mass of neonates.
Key Words: neonate, testicular teratoma, at birth.