Healthy aging and intestinal microbiota

Koçak T., Acar Tek N.

25th European Congress on Obesity, Vienna, Austria, May 23-26, 2018, Vienna, Austria, 23 - 25 May 2018, pp.166

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Vienna
  • Country: Austria
  • Page Numbers: pp.166
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


Introduction: Aging; is defined as the deterioration that occurs in physiological functions with the progress of age. The intestinal system consists of a complex structure of approximately 10¹³-10¹4 microorganisms. Human intestinal microbiota has an important role in various metabolic, nutritional, physiological and immunological systems. Deterioration in physiological functions with aging causes a decrease in microbial diversity, DNA damage, stress response and protection of the immune system in the intsetinal system. Aging also affects the gastrointestinal tract, negatively affecting the hormones that control food intake, thus reducing food intake. N Due to dietary differences, low-fat and high fiber content polysaccharides from vegetable origin have led to high Firmicutes type colonization, while animal fats containing high fat and low fiber content have led to low Firmicutes type microorganism colonization in intestinal microbiota. Aging is an effect on nutrient consumption, while nutrient consumption affects on aging. For this reason, the consumption of nutrients, which are the most important components of microbiota, which contains probiotic bacteria (probiotics) or nutrients (prebiotics) will enable the beneficial microorganisms to survive / multiply in microbiota and consumption of high nutrients in the pulp content to provide short chain fatty acid synthesis has become increasingly important in recent years. This review was conducted to investigate the interaction between intestinal microbiota and healthy aging and to understand the relationship of microbiota to nutrition and its effects on metabolism. Methods: Literature review Results: The microbiota that started to change with birth continues to change until the age of adulthood and continues to change with the effect of aging, Conclusion: Aging is defined as the impairment of physiological functions with age progression. Aging is a period of increased sensitivity to diseases. In the aging process, the bacterial composition and metabolic functions change in the intestine. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics exhibit the potential to alleviate gastrointestinal problems in older people by modulating microbial activity and immune status. Probiotics are short chain (oligosaccharides) carbohydrates with health-promoting effects in the intestine. Prebiotics regulate the composition and balance in both the lumenal and mucosal surfaces as a suitable living space for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in microbiota. Prebiotics also ffermentation short-chain fatty acids in the colon to provide energy for the intestines and other body tissues. As a result healthy microflora is resistant to intestinal infections and shows immunomodulatory effect. Briefly, pro-prebiotics and synbiotics alleviate the defects caused by age and environmental effects in the organism and play an important role in increasing the optimum quality of life. Considering the elderly’s aging, difficulties in chewing and other digestive problems, we think that the supplementation of pre-probiotic and sinbiotics is important for the health of the intestinal microbiota by the qualified professionals besides the adequate and balanced nutrition for the optimum development of the intestinal microbiota