International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol.3, no.18, pp.271-276, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale” is a five-likert scale that contains 20 items with 4 subdimensions. Sub-dimensions are “prosocial behaviors towards teammates ", "prosocial behaviors towards
opponents", "antisocial behaviors towards teammates" and “antisocial behaviors towards opponents". However,
there is not a scale which aims to investigate prosocial and antisocial behaviors in sport contexts in Turkey. The
aim of this study is to test the validity and reliability of Turkish version of The Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior
in Sport Scale (PABSS), developed by Kavussanu and Boardley (2009). The scale was translated using a backtranslation technique, which includes the use of a panel of experts and interpreters to translate the items from the
source language to the target language and then back-translate them to the source language. Items were
administered to 222 elites from various fields namely football, basketball, handball and field hockey in the city of
Ankara, Turkey. The group consists of 77 females (34.7%) and 145 males (65.3%). Their ages range from 17-37
(M: 22.57). Principal Component Analysis-PCA was used in order to test construct-validity of PABSS. As for the
reliability of the scale, cronbach alpha was employed. As a result of factor analyses, the Turkish version of
PABSS, consisting of 20 items with four sub-dimensions, seemed to work fine. Cronbach alpha values were as
follows: 0, 70 for Factor 1 (prosocial behaviors towards teammates), 0, 72 for Factor 2 (prosocial behaviors
towards opponents, 0, 72 for Factor 3 (antisocial behaviors towards teammates) and finally 0, 75 for factor 4
(antisocial behaviors towards opponents). The values obtained were considered to be "relatively reliable". The
findings reveal that the Turkish version of PABSS can be used to measure prosocial and antisocial behaviors of
the athletes with both sexes and in different team sports.
Key words: Prosocial behavior, antisocial behavior, reliability and validity