Otitis media with effusion and craniofacial analysis-II: "Mastoid-middle ear-eustachian tube system" in children with secretory otitis media.

Kemaloglu Y. K., Goksu N., Ozbılen S., Akyıldız N.

International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, vol.32, pp.69-76, 1995 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Secretory otitis media (SOM) is a disease of childhood, and this period is characterized by active growing of the craniofacial skeleton (CFS). In this study, we purposed to answer the question 'how deviations in CFS play a role in ethiopathogenesis of SOM'? Therefore, we evaluated the 'mastoid-middle ear-Eustachian tube (M-ME-ET) system' in 30 SOM cases and 30 healthy children by using lateral cephalographies on which reference points and one line related to CFS and 'M-ME-ET system' were pointed. The results disclosed that the bony Eustachian tube, the vertical portion of the tenser veli palatini (TVP) muscle and the mastoid air cell system were smaller in SOM cases. In the view of the statements of Enlow (1990) on craniofacial growth, we suggest that the deviations in the growth process of the nasomaxillary complex lead to corresponding imbalances in the bony tube and vertical portion of the TVP. However, since regional imbalances often tend to compensate for one another to provide functional equilibrium (Enlow, 1990), improvement of the tubal function occurs with age.