Int. Conf. Advanced. Mater. Sci.& Eng. HiTech.and Device Appl.Oct. 02-04 2020,Ankara, Turkey, Ankara, Türkiye, 02 Ekim 2020
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being used in many areas like logistics and military. It has been observed
that academic researches increased parallel to the usage areas. Route planning and optimization of UAVs has an
important place among those researches. In route optimization topic mostly military-grade or long-range UAVs are
evaluated. Although, nowadays also small packet carrying UAVs are developed. In this research, the route optimization of
UAVs in metropolitans and restricted flight areas (like kindergartens, schools, child parks, hospitals, military zones, etc.)
topic has been researched. In this article, an optimal route has been determined for UAVs to go from point A to B by
considering the density of buildings, terrain complexity and flight restrictions. For achieving this ant colony optimization
algorithm used with a new perspective. In the first step, the route has been calculated without considering the amount of
pheromone. In the second step, the classical ant colony optimization algorithm used to determine the shortest route. 9
obstacles have been defined between points A and B on Google Maps. In classical method the calculated route has taken
78 units but with the suggested method it decreased to 72 units. Thus, it could be concluded that results have been
improved by approximately 8%. An application has been developed in C# language to work with the suggested algorithm.
The results have been shared.