3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, Konya, Türkiye, 20 - 23 Temmuz 2022, ss.1238
In this study, the total and partial magnetism and phase transform temperature properties of Co2NbGa Full Heusler half-metallic ferromagnet alloy were investigated with Effective Field Theory (EFT) developed by Kaneyoshi [1,2]. The research involved temperature dependence of total and partial magnetizations and M-H examinations. Shell and core interactions of each component were considered in the data results. First, the atomic positions of atoms Co, Nb, and Ga have located a, b, c =0.5 a0 Wyckoff positions, and M – T and M – H examinations were performed with a total of 1000, and 2000 steps, respectively. The program performed 50 sub-calculations for each step and chose the best result. Second, Coshell, Cocore, Nb, Ga, bMtCo, bMTCo2NbGa and bMTICo2NbGa parameters gained with M-T actions 4.74309E-6, 3.17012E-6, 1.90929E-7, 6.12596E-8, 7.9132E-6, 8.16539E-6 and 1.20752E-05, respectively. Then the total magnetic moment was obtained as 2.00 μB/f.u. Partial magnetic contributions of Cos, Coc, Nb, and Ga were calculated, and most contributions originated from Cos. Finally, the magnetic phase transforms of Co2NbGa alloy were observed at Tc= 351 K Curie temperature using the EFT method. This result is in full agreement with the experimental value obtained [3]. Additionally, the Curie temperature of Co2NbGa alloy was theoretically obtained as 451 K [4,5]. The magnetic properties obtained in EFT studies of Co2NbGa full Heusler compound obtained in the literature studies were fully compatible.