As a relative of Muhammad, and the fourth caliph of Islam, Hazret-i Ali takes a primary role in Islamic world. Also, he is important for wold literature as a brave man and wise. Ali has a very important place in world history. However, suffered injustice, Ali was shot and martyred from his back, and his children were also martyred, all that effected the Islamic world deeply. "His sword, called "Zulfikar" was a symbol of heroism. His knowledge of the Koran and the hadith, and with his scientific ability, he became a symbol in history. Nearly 1350 years have passed since his death, never forgotten them though because he is not forgotten for Turkish thought. Turks has considered Hz. Ali one of the center image of their idea word. It can be possible to see this effect on literature. In this research, we analysed works written in Karahan's Period as Story of Dede Korkut, Menakib-i Haci Bektas Veli, Turk Sagas in Anatolia and Divans in Divan Literature. Also we reviewed some sagas collected from Anatolia for this purpose. Ali determined the location of the works have been drafted, story of Dede Korkut, Menakib-i Haci Bektas Veli, who formed in Anatolia Turkish sagas, have been drafted within the framework of the Divan Literature. In addition, we reviewed the legends compiled from Anatolia and tried to determine idea world of Turks on the axis of Hz. Ali.