The Analysis of Tissue Temperature Rise Caused by Linear Array Transducers with Program Spheresum


International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing (ICOIP), Warszawa, Poland, 10 - 12 June 2016, pp.54-58 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/optip.2016.7528519
  • City: Warszawa
  • Country: Poland
  • Page Numbers: pp.54-58
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


Diagnostic ultrasounds transmit sound waves into the body, and thus reveal important information about it. Because the transmitted sound waves cause tissue heating, diagnostic ultrasounds can produce adverse biologic effects in tissue, namely, thermal bioeffect. Both tissue characters and ultrasound parameters affect the amount of temperature rise on the tissue. Program Spheresum [1] gives the temperature rise on the tissue scanned by a diagnostic ultrasound. This study compares tissue temperature rise due to linear array transducers with different parameters by using Spheresum. The results show that the maximum temperature rise is generally near the source surface in the linear array transducer application with high frequency for different focal points. Especially in tissue with a high absorption coefficient and for the linear array transducer with high frequency, tissue temperature rise near the source surface should be considered as the image resolution.