With the development of game technology, the preference of games in health and development applications has increased. Game technology is also used in children who are faced with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In this study, twodimensional games performed on the basis of PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneity and Sequence) theory were applied to 15 individuals aged 10-18 with ADHD diagnosed, 3 days a week for 15 minutes for 12 weeks. The pre-test at the end of the 1st week and the post -test at the end of the 12th week were applied to the participants with the test battery developed. The pretest and posttest were used to determine the effectiveness of attention, coordination, cognitive flexibility, planning, spatial perception, working memory, processing speed and short-term memory games. In addition, to compare the scores obtained, the Moxo d-CPT test was applied to the participants before and after the application and their scores were recorded. As a result of the study, an increase of 3.5% was observed in the first test and post -test mean values of attention and processing speed, while an increase of approximately 10% was achieved in the average values of planning, working memory and short-term memory. An increase of 30% was observed in the mean value of spatial perception between the first test and the last test. According to the findings, when the pre-test and posttest averages of children with ADHD were compared, it was observed that there was an increase in attention, planning, spatial perception, working memory, processing speed and short-term memory, while there was a 1% decrease in coordination and cognitive flexibility. When the attention, impulsivity, timing and hyperactivity scores of the Moxo d-CPT test were compared with the pre-test and post -test scores, it was seen that the developed system was effective on the participants. Whether this positive effect is due to digital games based on Pass theory or because participants felt that they were valuable and important during the test is the next research topic.