Various problems and pollution occur in heating sterns over time, especially calcification. This contamination prevents the radiators from dissipating heat, causing the system to operate inefficiently and consume energy. In this study, an experimental research was carried out on the energy efficiency of installation cleaning. In the study, these two situations were compared with the measurements and calculations made before and after the installation cleaning. It has been observed that the cleaning of the installation homogenizes the temperature distribution in the radiator. As a result of the cleaning, an increase of approximately 5 degrees C was obtained in the radiator temperatures. In addition, while a 21.16% reduction was achieved in natural gas consumption, a 17.2% improvement was achieved in the convection heat transfer mechanism in the radiators. In addition, depending on the amount of natural gas used, reductions in the amount of. harmful gases (NO, NOx, CO, CO2 and O-2) released to the environment have been achieved, varying hem cell 3.2%, and 25%.