On the Word “Kendi”: An Analysis Focused on the Parts of Speech and its Function KENDİ SÖZCÜĞÜ ÜZERİNE: TÜR VE İŞLEV ODAKLI BİR DEĞERLENDİRME

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Turkbilig, vol.2024, no.47, pp.180-204, 2024 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 2024 Issue: 47
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.59257/turkbilig.1506775
  • Journal Name: Turkbilig
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus, Linguistic Bibliography
  • Page Numbers: pp.180-204
  • Keywords: function, kendi, parts of speech, reflexive pronoun
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


This research centers on the linguistic term “kendi”, a frequently used element in modern Turkish discourse. In established linguistic references, “kendi” is predominantly categorized as a reflexive pronoun. However, discrepancies surface when examining diverse uses like “ben kendim, kendi kitabım, kendim giderim, kendisi henüz gelmedi”, leading to conflicting or unclear categorizations regarding the nature of the term and its specific instances as a reflexive pronoun. Additionally, while certain applications of “kendi” have been addressed in specific studies, other usages have seemingly escaped thorough investigation by researchers. The initial phase of this inquiry involves an appraisal of the relevant literature, elucidating the diverse linguistic contexts where the term operates, drawing on examples from prior research. Accordingly, it becomes apparent that “kendi” manifests in 16 distinct forms across 12 fundamental linguistic frameworks. As some sources posit, too, the principal function of the term extends beyond being a reflexive pronoun. Examining these linguistic structures reveals that “kendi” functions not solely as a reflexive pronoun but also assumes roles as a noun, adjective, adverb, personal pronoun, and anaphoric pronoun. Corresponding to these linguistic functions, the term is utilized in texts to serve purposes like referencing, reinforcing, limiting, and qualifying statements.