MitochondrialTransplantation andTransfer, from past to future expectations

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dayanır d., Dayanır H., GÜNAYDIN S.

Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, cilt.14, sa.1, ss.194-201, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


Mitochondria, with their unique roles in cell energy metabolism, continue to be studied by years of research. Mitochondrial transfer can be summarized as the process of transferring isolated mitochondria to the damaged tissue. In this way, it is aimed to improve the mitochondrial dysfunction in areas with impaired mitochondrial functions such as heart damaged tissue. Although there are many studies on this subject, especially cardiomyocytes, the protective effects of the application in processes such as myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury continues to be investigated. Although there are different procedures for transferring the isolated mitochondrin to the damaged tissue, many studies have reported positive results regarding the application. In this review, it is aimed to look at the subject from a wide window, while examining the studies done in this field in the literature.