PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, vol.87, no.2, pp.230-235, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
In this study, since it can be analyzed in term of practically and easily in application, a 15 kV ignition coil was designed, and analyzed in electromagnetic way. In order to benefit from this design in automotive industry, it has been determined an ignition coil construction here. Magneto static designing of the ignition coil have been done as 3 dimensional analytical way with help of finite elements methods (Ansoft Maxwell V12 program). By this way, electrical and magnetic parameters and quantities have been calculated; the static magnetic data obtained have been commented. In this design, the effects of using different electromagnetic materials such as nanocrystalline, amorphous and enni55 as core of the ignition coil have been explored. By using Ansoft-Simplorer program, different types of ignition coil cores could have been obtained. It has been inferred that more accurate dynamic analyzing conclusions for the ignition coil would result in the calculation.