In this investigation, internet access opportunities, frequency and the purpose of internet use of biology teachers in Turkey are determined and their behavior and view of internet use in biology lessons are introduced by using scaning model. Problems that the teachers encountered when using internet during teaching process and their solution offers to these problems are tried to be determined by open- tail questions. The study group is formed by biology teachers working in 81 city centrums and sample contains 182 biology teachers, working in regular, high schools and Anatolian high schools, which could be reached by postal service and e-mail. A questionnaire that consists of 4 parts is developed by the invastigators in order to collect data. A measuring tool, that contains an open-tail question and other questions that aim to determine the conditions of internet use and personel attributes of biology teachers, is used by ' Questionnaire of Internet Usage Conditions of Biology Teachers' (QIUCBT). The validity of the scale is identified by experts and the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the sclae is determined as 0,90. Developed questionnaire is applied to 182 biology teachers that work in city centrums and central towns in Turkey. Collected data is analyzed by percentage, frequency and chi square techniques in SPSS 15.0 program. By the help of the results of the investigation, it is adviced that there is a requirement for arrangement of preset-vice inservice programs and Turkish relevant, reliable websites to be used in biology lessons. Also, it is pointed that there is not enough internet service facilities at schools, relevant and reliable materials in education and teaching, and teachers do not have enough information on how they will help students and themselves about the use of internet.