Proceedings of the 1992 Japan - USA Symposium on Flexible Automation Part 2 (of 2), San-Francisco, Kostarika, 13 - 15 Temmuz 1992, ss.1277-1281
The kinematical structure of closed chain mechanisms allow to generate and control the internal forces by adding redundant active joints to the links. The internal forces do not contribute to the resultant force but change the structural stiffness of the closed mechanisms. This introduces the possibility of changing the compliance as well as the compliance center of the closed mechanisms via generating internal forces while keeping the inherent stiffness of the mechanisms unchanged. The effect of the internal forces on the structural stiffness depends on the magnitude and mode of the internal force and the geometry of the mechanisms. This study explains how to change the compliance center of a planar closed chain mechanism at proper geometrical postures by generating internal forces with only one redundant actuation.