Recently, severe plastic deformation (SPD) applications are getting more and more important. Especially by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), the mechanical properties of alloys are increased. In addition that by shear planes which are activated with ECAP, the grain refinement in nano scales is obtained and it also affects and enhances even chemical properties of the materials. In this research study Al-4%(wt.) Cu powders were prepeared by pre-mixing. These pre-mixed powders were used to produce ingot materials by two different methods: ECAP and classical powder metallurgy method. Materials were sintered at 600 degrees C for 2 hours and solution treated for 4 hours at 550 degrees C then quenched to room temperature. Then materials were aged between particular time periods for 20 hours at 190 degrees C. After solution treatment ECAPed samples had higher densification rate than the others. The micro-hardness measurements of all samples did not contain any difference untill ageing treatment. The dislocation density produced by SPD of the ECAPed samples, affected positively to micro-hardness. In micro-structure analysis Al/Cu intermetallic components are seen at ECAPed samples. Ageing plot was obtained for all samples and they were aged between 10-15 hours. The highest micro-hardness according to ageing times were 10 1,3 Hv which belongs to ECAPed sample.