Культурологічна рецепція історичної постаті та літературного образу П'єра Абеляра.

Biliatska V.

Kolektivní monografie věnovaná . výročí zahájení výuky ukrajinštiny jako studijního oboru na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, cilt.3, ss.37-45, 2015 (Hakemli Dergi)


e article is devoted to the consideration of Pierre Abelard’s image as an outstanding historical personality, a philosopher, a writer and a person whose heritage conceals unexplored gaps in modern science. e author analyses the theologian’s views on the essence of spirituality, suffering, and love which he carried through his life to Heloise, that are depicted in the L. Rinser’s novel “Love of Abelard”. Key words: the image, religious doctrine, philosophy of art, cultural perception, Abelard.