Creating panels for the personalized clinical utilization of nutrigenetics tests (epigenetic nutrition and supplement use based on nutrigenetic testing)

Meral G., Aslan E. S., Şahin E., Alper Acar E. G., Özkaya M., Karagöz M. F., ...More

2nd International Epigenetics Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 2 - 03 September 2023, pp.7

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.7
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


Background: In recent years, the number of chronic diseases cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, allergy, autoimmune, cancer and diabetes has been increasing rapidly in the world. The importance of personalized medicine has increased further with the understanding of the functionality of DNA after the Human Genome Project. Pharmacogenetics-based personalized drug and supplement preferences are increasing on the basis of precision medicine. Epigenetic approach is also important in personalization and the use of epigenetic nutrition and supplements, where awareness increased especially after the Human Genome Project. Objective: It is aimed to emphasize the importance of nutrigenetic-based nutrition and supplement use, and the importance of people choosing epigenetic-based nutrition and supplements on the basis of genetic tests. Methods: Ethics committee approval was obtained from Biruni University, dated 21.02.2023 and numbered 2023/78-03. A comparison was made between the anamnesis and nutrigenetic results of 9 patients who applied to Epigenetic Coaching between 2022 and 2023. Based on genetic test results, those who have associations with CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, GSTs, COMT, MAO and CBS genes and sulforaphane, resveratrol, curcumin, quercetin, green tea nutraceuticals were selected. Results: The study was carried out on 4 female, 5 male patients of whom 5 with autism, the others with various diseases such as hashimoto and joint pain. Conclusion: As can be seen in the table, we believe that choosing nutrigenetic-based nutrition and supplementation positively affects the success. When sulforaphane is ceased, some patients' agitations were improved, quercetin intake increased agitation in some patients, and curcumin and green tea were not good for some patients. This suggests that the end products cannot be eliminated during biotransformation, and the resulting ones are caused by the mechanism of action. Although the number of patients was low, it is important in terms of being the first study. It should be supported by further studies.

Keywords: nutrigenetics, cytochrome p-450, GST, COMT, nutraceuticals