Investigation of the Effects of Changes in Battery Components on Battery Performance Using Modified TOPSIS Model

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Ülke İ., Öztürk M. F., Yurdakul M., İç Y. T.

Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, cilt.9, sa.2, ss.479-492, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


Lead-acid batteries are the most widely used among many battery types today. In lead-acid batteries, discharging the battery to a certain depth of discharge (DoD) level and then fully charging is called a cycle. The cycle life of that battery is equal to the number of times. The battery can be put into charge/discharge cycles to preserve up to 80% of its Ah capacity. Cycle life depends on grid thickness, grid material, plate chemistry, and battery temperature. On the other hand, capacity depends on the surface areas of the plates, the internal resistance, the number of plates, and the permeability of the separators used. It is aimed to investigate the effects of changes in battery components on battery performance by changing the levels of the components of the battery using the modified Techniques for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model in this paper. The classical TOPSIS model may have difficulty in separating the alternatives that have close output values. So, a modified version of the TOPSIS model is offered in determining the ideal solution space at the classical TOPSIS model’s Step 4. The quartiles instead of single values for the alternatives are used in the calculation of the positive and negative ideal solutions (instead of A*: maximum value and A−: minimum value). As a result of the application, tribasic lead sulfate (3BS) and tetrabasic lead sulfate (4BS) grain structures are found to be dominant in battery performance. The classical TOPSIS model calculates 12.601 V and 3.39 milliohm optimum outputs for voltage and resistance performance metrics, respectively. On the other hand, the modified TOPSIS provides different optimum values as 12.357 V and 3.476 milliohm for the same performance metrics.