3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2011), Kuala-Lumpur, Malezya, 17 - 19 Haziran 2011, ss.239-244
In this study, PV powered drip irrigation system was controlled and monitored remotely with soil moisture sensors. A centrifugal pump with brushless DC motor has been utilized for the purpose of transferring of water to drip irrigation system. Energy requirement of centrifugal pump system has been met from solar panels and batteries. Voltage and current of batteries, motor and solar panels were monitored with software developed by authors with C# language in Visual Studio.Net 2008 editor. However volumetric water content of soil was monitored with software and controlled solenoid valves depending on data of sensors. Each unit has PV powered wireless module and antenna for communicate main server. The software allows monitoring and controlling remote PC through internet. Designed system has been applied for dwarf cherry tree of 1000 pieces planted to an area of 8 decares in Zile District of Tokat Province of Turkey. This designed and implemented site-specific irrigation was aim to monitor and control soil moisture remotely, prevent excessive water usage with non-regularity irrigation, moisture stress of trees, erosion and salification, provided less growth of weeds and decreased the amount of water utilized by these weeds.