UDOKS Project: Development of a Pedestrian Navigation System With Multiple Integrated Sensors

Zobar S., Çiydem M.

IPIN 2022 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Beijing, China, 5 - 07 September 2022, vol.3248, pp.1-9

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 3248
  • City: Beijing
  • Country: China
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-9
  • Gazi University Affiliated: Yes


In both civilian and military areas, accurate and robust navigation systems have become a critical tool for positioning and tracking capabilities of pedestrians under Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-denied conditions, e.g., underground workers, dismounted soldiers on battlefield, and first responders within a building. In order to navigate through these harsh environments, pedestrian navigation systems (PNSs) with multiple integrated sensors are indispensable. In the research project which is funded by ASELSAN and entitled "Positioning in GNSS Denied Environments (labeled as UDOKS)", we are working on the development of a PNS integrating inertial sensors (i.e., gyroscopes and accelerometers), Ultra-Wideband (UWB) ranging sensors, and aiding sensors such as magnetometers and a barometer. Furthermore, a simulation environment dedicated to PNSs with multiple integrated sensors is being implemented as a part of UDOKS project. The simulation environment will allow the user to compare several pedestrian navigation algorithms which are based on different types of sensor technologies and different levels of sensor errors. Moreover, the simulation environment will be used as a means to test and evaluate new strategies and approaches on pedestrian navigation during algorithm and configuration design phase. The simulation environment will have an open and modular architecture so that it will be capable of inserting and integrating complementary navigation algorithms and sensor technologies. This open and modular architecture of the simulation environment will provide a huge potential benefit to design PNSs especially for the needs in various GNSS-denied applications and usage scenarios. This Work-in-Progress (WiP) paper provides a high-level description of the PNS being developed and a general outline of the simulation environment being implemented in UDOKS project. Furthermore, preliminary indoor performance results of the pure inertial sensors-based PNS (i.e., utilizing only gyroscope and accelerometer measurements) developed as a single navigation system are given.