Institutional Information:
Mühendislik Fakültesi, Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği, Elektrik - Elektronik Mühendisliği
WoS Research Areas:
Engineering Electrical & Electronic
Avesis Research Areas:
Direct Energy Conversion and Energy Storage, Electrical Machine Theory and Design, Electric Motor Drivers, Power Converters
Names in Publications:
Dag Bulent
Bulent Dag received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
in electrical and electronics engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in
1998 and 2002, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
in electrical–electronic engineering from Gazi University, Ankara, in 2015. He is currently an assistant professor at Gazi University Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department, Turkey. His research interests include electrical machinery and power electronics.
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