Sports-Related English Metaphors In Teaching English As A Foreign Language In Turkey

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, English Language Teaching Department , Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: English


Supervisor: Cemal Çakır


This thesis aims at bringing theory and practice together for learners' understanding and retention of idiomatic expressions, by applying conceptual metaphor theory and etymological elaborations technique. The pervasiveness of metaphors in shaping our thoughts and culture is real. Among many domains of life which may act as source domains for linguistic metaphors, sports-related metaphors undoubtedly are a great source domain, in order to easily understand the way native speakers reflect their perception and conception of the world. The present study was carried out to explore the positive impact of using conceptual metaphors in teaching idioms in a foreign language context and ascertain the Turkish students' perceptions of sports-related metaphors. It aimed to establish the roles that understanding of English-based sports metaphors plays in the effective use of English by speakers whose first language and who have a Turkish cultural background in Turkey. The comprehension and retention rates of the idioms by the experimental group and the control group were compared to determine whether teaching idioms to the experimental group through conceptual metaphor theory explanations, videos and images, and cultural clarification on the origin of sports idioms is more effective than teaching the idioms to the control group through the traditional methods only (for example, through memorisation). In this study, both quantitative and qualitative research tools were used and the influence of this implementation on the awareness of language learners’ on metaphor and successful meaning understanding of idioms is evaluated by the use of pre- post-, delayed post-tests and questionnaires. The results obtained showed that the students' awareness of metaphorical language was increased by input enhancement and varied application of visuals and development of innovative metaphor teaching materials. It helped the process of learning and retention and even strengthened metaphor awareness and increased success in understanding sports-related idiomatic expressions and metaphors. This finding strengthens the position of conceptual metaphor as an additional tool and a new window for learning idioms in a foreign language both in teaching and learning, as the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group.

Key Words : Sports Idiomatic Expressions, Conceptual Metaphors, Etymological Elaborations, Foreign Language.