Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2023
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Özkan KILINÇ
Supervisor: Asena Soyluk
The decisions taken during the architectural design process are important for the function and structural behavior of the building. After these decisions are taken, the final product is created by using computer aided design programs and static programs. It has become a common situation to change the main decisions taken during the design process during the carrier system calculation. In this respect, the design of the carrier system that meets the static and dynamic loads at the architectural design stage should be included in the process as a part of the design. In this study, it is aimed to show the effects of the design decisions made by the architect on the torsion behavior that causes heavy damage in earthquakes. In the first stage, the importance of the pool for the hotels and the features of the example structures with cantilever pools are mentioned. Then, the structural features and details of the pool element were examined. In the fourth part of the thesis, the structural irregularities that occur in the building are defined in accordance with the regulation. In the fifth chapter, a literature review has been made on the effect of swimming pools on the structure and the effect of architectural design decisions on the irregularity of the plan. To see the torsion effects of the cantilever pool, which is included in the design, in the field study, the reinforced concrete framed building models in the hotel function with a 20-storey L-type plan with a cantilever pool were modeled and analyzed using finite elements. Two console pool models of different shapes with the same water body were designed. Depending on the location of the modeled building in the designed environments, the cantilever pool was placed in different positions according to its relationship with the environment, resulting in pool design schemes in 7 different locations. Two models were designed for each location, depending on the shape of the pool, and a total of 14 building models and a reference model without a pool were created. Except for the location of the pool, all parameters were kept the same in the modeled structures. As a result, in addition to the prestige effect provided by the cantilever pool placed on the rooftop, the changes and torsion values of the building's carrier system were compared. As a result of the comparisons, it was concluded that the position of the cantilever pool in the structure and the shape of the pool are an important factor in terms of building performance.
Key Words : Console pool, prestige, carrier system, irregular building, torsionalirregularity |