Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Gülay ÇELİK
The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes of visual impairment students’ peers with a mediocre development, parents of these peers, teachers and parents towards visual impairment students in inclusive classes and determine whether the extent of these attitudes show differences in accordance with some particular features of individuals. In addition, it is aimed to determine the attitudes of both visual impairment students towards school and of their teachers and parents towards visual impairment students. For this reason, the study used survey model which is one of the quantitative research methods in order to investigate the attitudes of peers with a mediocre development and parents of these peers, and a case study among qualitative research methods in order to have opinions from visual impairment students, parents and teachers of these students. The target population of the study was composed schools located in Muratpaşa, Konyaaltı and Kepez districts affiliated with the Directorate of Antalya National Education. Regarding the sample, the data was gained by 476 students studying at these schools and 476 parents of these students. Also, 15 visual impairment students, 19 teachers having a visual impairment student in their classes and parents of these students were interviewed in order to have an in-depth analysis. “The Attitude Scale of Parents Having Children with a Mediocre Development towards Visual İmpairment Students” was used in order to understand the attitudes of parents and teachers towards inclusion, and “The Attitude Scale of Children with a Mediocre Development towards Visual İmpairment Students” was used in order to understand the attitudes of children with a mediocre development towards visual impairment students. The parents having visual impairment children were interviewed by means of the structured interview form describing the attitudes of the parents having visual impairment children towards their own children. The teachers having a sight-disabled student in their classes were interviewed by means of an unstructured interview form describing their attitudes of teachers towards inclusive education. According to the results, as the attitudes of parents having children with mediocre development towards visual impairment students have viii increased, the attitudes of children with a mediocre development towards their visual impairment peers have increased in a similar vein. Parents emphasized that visual impairment students are unwilling to use walking stick and the educational materials such as relief map should be enhanced, and the use of recorder or phone are important to be able to follow lessons. Moreover, they suggested that parents should be informed about and be more aware of the education of visual impairment students.