Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eğitim Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Mehmet Yılmaz
In this study, the aim is to determine and identify whether students have achieved
awareness, problem solving skills and related objectives about recycling. Zonguldak is the
universe of the research and high school students in Çaycuma effectuate the sampling. The
appropriate sampling methods will be used in the research. The consideration in this
research was based on the type of school variables, 42 of the participants (19,4%) study in
vocational high school, 67 of the participants (31%) study in Anatolian high school, 73 of
the participants (33,8%) study in science high school and 34 of the participants (15,7%)
study in multi-programme Anatolian high school. It is the research in correlational design
as it is aimed to determine the level of awareness of the participants about the recycling
and the variables that are effective on this skill in the research. The obtained data were
analysed by SPSS 21.0 package program and the statistical analyses are standard deviation,
arithmetic mean, t test and Cronbach Alpha reliability. Four different scenarios related to
waste and recycling are used as data collecting tool in the research. According to the four
different scenarios, the students are asked about what environmental problem is and what
kind of solutions they would suggest regarding to this problem. The opinions of the
expertswere taken during the preparation of the scenarios. According to the results and
feedbacks that were obtained from the scenarios, it has been understood that the students
realize the existence of environmental problems. On the other hand, it was observed that
the majority of them do not have a sufficient level of the knowledge of concept regarding
to wastes and could not produce enough solution to determine the environmental problem.
At the same time, it also was seen that the students do not have enough ability to define
and clarify the values to resolve environmental problems. The findings which have been
obtained reveal that generally the awareness level related to environmental problems, of
students in a science. High school is higher than those of the students who study in other
types of high schools. According to the findings, it is said that attendance in project or
activities related to enviromental problems increases the awareness of students about the
environmental problems. Generally it is said that increasing in the education level of
parents increases the awareness of the students related to enviromental problems. In
addition, the research indicates that the children whose mothers or fathers are college
graduate are more aware of environmental problems.
Key Words : Environmental problems, environmental education, environmental
consciousness, sustainability, recycling.