Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2010
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Adem ÖZTÜRK
Supervisor: GÜNAY AKGÜN
Abstract:The purpose of this study is; giving information and helpful tips about the instrumentation technics , analysis of arrangements by Gabriel Pares who is one of the most well known composers in his subject and creating a scientific basis fort he new compositions and new studies. There aren`t enough reachable sources when it comes to the usage of instrumentation technics for Armoni and Fanfar Orchestras. This study itself is done for this particular purpose . In the introduction of this study ; Problem section is created by the detailed exposition of the definition, the order and the charcateristic musical usage of the instruments in the Armoni and Fanfar Orchestras. This study tries to identify and explain an existing situation fort he purpose of studying the instrumentation technic of examples of Gabriel Pares` arrangements. The findings and interpretation section consists of two sub-sections which are ; studying examples of Gabriel Pares` arrangements according to instrumentation technic and arranging an example work.