The Effectıveness Of Mathematıcal Instructıon Presented By Strategıc Integratıon Accordıng To Dırect Instructıon Model On The Levels Of Knowledge Of Students Wıth Low Vısıon

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Ayşenur KAVAK

Supervisor: BANU ALTUNAY


The overall purpose of this study is to examine the effects of strategic integration according to Direct Instruction Model on the skills of students with low vision in mathematics such as rhythmic counting backwards in three, line concept, simple fraction and multiplying two digit numbers without carry overs. The participants of this study are three students with low vision who are nine years old and passed the third grade of elementary school. As research model, multiple probe across design in single subject research model was used. The mathematical skills in this study includes four different association types: verbal association, concepts, correlated features sequence and cognitive strategy. Three types of data, namely effectiveness, reliability and social validity, were collected during the data collection process. Effectiveness data consists of baseline, probe, generalization, and monitoring stages. Data collection forms were kept during the entire data collection process. The data obtained in this study were presented through graphical analysis (visual analysis). In the monitoring stage, it was examined whether the participants continued their skills on the seventh, fourteenth and twenty-first days after the instruction was ended. In the generalization data, the generalization of the instruction to various materials/situation and xii different people were analysed. As a result of induction process, fluency data were collected for backwards rhythmic counting in three. At the same time, social validity data were collected to identify the views of the participants and their parents about the instruction process. As a result of data obtained from this study, it was concluded that the instructions provided through strategic integration according to Direct Instruction Model was effective on the skills of rhythmic counting backwards in three, line concept, simple fraction and multiplication with two-digit numbers. After the instruction, it was observed that students could generalize these skills to various materials/situations and different people. At the same time, the permanence of the instruction continued the seventh, fourteenth and twenty-first days. According to social validity data obtained from this study, it was concluded that the participants and their parents were satisfied with the instruction