Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2020
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:Citizenship education in Turkey has been in elementary and secondary school programs since the first years of Republic. It was taught as Nation Knowledge in 1926 and 1936 programs, Citizenship in 1948 program, Citizenship Knowledge from 1968 to 1995, Citizenship and Human Rights Education in 1996, Citizenship and Democracy Education in 2011-2012 education year and finally it is taught under the name of Citizenship and Democracy. The purpose of this study is to define Social studies and class teachers‟ views about the 4th Class Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy curriculum. Research has been carried on the Social Studies and class teachers who worked in secondary schools in 2018-2019 education year, who uses social media and a member to Turkey Social Studies Coterie, Social Studies Information and Visual Archive and Connecting Life to Education Platform( Eğitimi Hayata Bağlayalım Platformu). Datas are gained through survey that is developed by the researcher. Survey is consisted of three parts: personal informations, views about the Citizenship and Democracy lesson, issues and solutions. 299 Social Studies and 91 Class teachers has answered the survey. Percentage, frequency, average and deviation values of teachers‟ demographic knowledge and their views about the curriculum‟s appropriateness have been calculated. t test is used to compare the views of Social Studies and Class teachers. Content analysis is used for open-ended questions. At the end of research, the general views of social studies and class teachers about the citizenship and democracy curriculum are: time for the lesson is not enough and the lesson should be carried out in the secondary schools by social studies teachers. Views of the teachers for the Citizenship and Democracy curriculum are as follows: Objectives are suitable to students‟ prior knowledge and they include informations and skills that students need in their daily life. However; objectives aren‟t clear, understandable and accessible. ix Values that are in the program aren‟t sufficient and aren‟t found suitable to students‟ levels. According to teachers content can provide respect to different cultures and values and it is consistent in itself to form a citizenship awareness.. On the other hand, content isn‟t found to be improving students‟ problem solving skills. Learning activities are suitable to content. but more activities are required for the functions. Moreover, teachers think that activities are insufficient for reaching the values, aren‟t suitable to students‟ levels and student-centered methods and techniques aren‟t considered. Assessment is coherent to functions, content and teaching-learning process. Less than half of the teachers think that program is effective for students to gain information and skill about fundemental rights and freedom, sufficient for students to get basic level citizenship awareness and self evaluation takes part in measurement and evaluaiton aspect of the program. In the research suggesstions such as, writing functions in a clear, understandable way, making content tangible and suitable to student level, increasing the time that is given to the lesson, involving student-centered activities and taking into consideration the individual differences in assessment activities are offered.