The Effects Of Cartoons On Students Who Take The Fine Art Course

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Çağatay Akengin


İn this research, cartoons effects on 4th class primary school students visial arts studies was

search ed. The research was applied at Cebesoy İlkokul Ankara. On 31 students of 2

classes to reach the gool of the research, it was performed on 2 differe nt classes a cartoon

topic was given as a paragraph for one class, and for he other class a short cartoon was

played to visualize. When the results from 4A and 4B classes students was analysed

specially, the group that watch the cartoon, active usage of c haracters similarities , topic

suitabilities, moves, place and colours was observed. Beside these observations , also some

of the students similarity worries were recorded. When this situation was compared with

the other group, manly as a character selectio n, for please topic, completing of a Picture

and colour items more influential result were obtained from the group that watch the

cartoon. When the studies of 4A and 4B classes are investigated it is seen that especially in

the class 4B that watched the m ovie character similarities, place, colours , actions in the

movie and relevancy to the subject is used more effectively, besides in the studies of some

students an effort to make it similar to the movie is observed. when this situation is

compared with the other group, it is concluded that the students in the group that watched

the movie had a more effective painting in terms of place, subject, completion of the paint

and colour elements model, the universe and the sample and the data. The fifth part of the

study is the findings; the sixth part is the conclusion, discussion and suggestions part.


: Visual Art Education, Interpersonal Relationship and Communication