The Impact Of Modıfıed Multı-Component Cognıtıve Strategy Instructıon On Lıstenıng Comprehensıon And Summary Skılls Of The Secondary School Students Wıth Vısual Impaırments

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish




The aim of this study is to define the impact of Modified Multi-Component Cognitive Strategy Instruction on listening comprehension and summary skills of secondary school blind students, to reveal whether the students can generalize the strategy on their reading comprehension skills and to present the students' views on Modified Multiple-Component Cognitive Strategy instruction. According to this overall objective, effectiveness, generalization and social validity targets have been established. The participants of this research were identified with the criterion sampling as a purposeful sampling technique. In this context, some prerequisite skills were defined in the identification of the participants. The research was conducted with 10 students who met these prerequisite skills. All these students continue their education in the secondary schools for the visually impaired. Six of these students are boys and four of them are girls. Additionally, eight students are at the seventh grade, while two of them are at the sixth grade. The research has two dependent variables and one independent variable. The first dependent variable is the level of listening comprehension of the informative texts by the blind students. The second dependent variable is the level of summarizing comprehension of the informative texts by the blind students. The independent variable of the research is the Multi-Component Cognitive Strategy which is modified according to some features of the Self-Regulated Strategy Development Approach. The pre-test and post-test model without control group is applied in this research. A test with 24 open-ended questions was prepared for two informative texts with medium and hard difficulty in collecting pre-test and post-test data of the students' listening comprehension. An informative text was used to collect data on the students' ability to summarize these texts. A test with 24 open-ended questions was prepared for two x informative texts with medium and hard difficulty in collecting pre-test and post-test data of the students' reading comprehension. Modified Multi-Component Cognitive Strategy Instruction was conducted through a clear explanation of the strategy. Instructions were held in 45 minutes with 12 sessions. The first three sessions include the instruction preparation step, three sessions modelling step, three sessions guidance practice step and the last three sessions include independent practice step. Additionally, three times monitoring data were collected to monitor the listening comprehension performances of the students. In this research, Wilcoxon signed rank test was used in the analysis of the data to present differences between pre-test and post-test scores of the participants' listening, summarizing and reading comprehension skills. To determine the social validity of this research, answers of the questions in "Social Validity Form" applied to all students were analysed through content analysis. As a result of these analysis, closed-ended questions were presented in the table as percentages, while themes for open-ended questions were also presented in the tables. According to research results, it was observed that there was an increase in favour of the Listening Comprehension Post-Test Scores received after the Pre-Test Scores. Therefore, the applied strategy was effective on the listening comprehension skills. In addition, it was observed that there was an increase in favour of the Summarizing Comprehension Post-Test Scores received after the Pre-Test Scores. Furthermore, it was observed that there was an increase in favour of the Reading Comprehension Post-Test Scores received after the Pre-Test Scores. Therefore, it was concluded that the students could generalize the strategy in their reading comprehension skills. In conclusion, it was observed that most of the students gave positive feedbacks about the strategy and offered suggestions about the implementation process during the interviews conducted following this research. At the end of the research, findings were discussed, and suggestions were received for the practice and the future studies.