Comparatıve Examınatıon Of 6th Grade Scıence Currıcula In Turkey And Iraq (The Sample Of Beylikdüzü Dıstrıct In Istanbul And The Central Kırkuk In Iraq)

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish




In this study, the aim was to evaluate science curriculum by examining the science curriculum used in Turkey and Iraq and taking the views of teachers who teach in educational institutions about these programs. Mixed design was used in the study, so quantitative and qualitative data were collected. In order to obtain quantitative data, “6th Grade Science Curriculum Evaluation Form” which was designed in the form of a 5-point Likert-type scale was used. In order to obtain qualitative data, a semi-structured interview form was prepared for teachers. The 6th Grade Science Curriculum Evaluation Form was conducted to 82 science teachers working in the middle schools in the district of Beylikdüzü in İstanbul in Turkey while it was conducted to 63 science teachers in schools where the medium of instruction is Turkish in the Central Kirkuk province in Iraq. On the other hand, semi-structured interview form was used fort he interviews carried out with 12 teachers from Beylikdüzü and 8 teachers from Kirkuk. For the analysis of quantitative data, statistical data analysis program was used. For the analysis of qualitative data, descriptive analysis method was used. According to the findings obtained in this study, Turkey and Iraq 6th grade science curriculum were found to differ in the course name and vii school level. Moreover, it was found that there was a difference in the duration of the weekly teaching hours allocated to science in both countries. It could be said that science teachers in Turkey and Iraq were of the opinion that the objectives of the program were inadequate in terms of meeting students’ needs and students’ problem solving despite arrangements made in the curricula. When the content of science textbooks and curricula in the two countries were examined, it was determined that the textbook alone was insufficient and the use of additional resources would be beneficial. It was concluded that the deficiencies and mistakes, found in the curriculum in Turkey despite the improvements made, might stem from the fact that the studies were not carried out in a sufficiently comprehensive and careful way. For this purpose, it was suggested that the studies carried out should be more comprehensive, detailed and carried out by experts who constantly improve themselves. As a result of the ongoing war in Iraq, the science curriculum in Iraq causes restrictions and sometimes regression in education as in all other fields. Based on the opinions obtained from the teachers, it can be said that the curriculum is inadequate and incomplete. Teachers have made great efforts to close the gap, and as a result, it was suggested that the MONE in Iraq should create a more healthy and productive environment particularly for the science curriculum