Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis: Questions, Answers, and Illustrative Cases: Endorsed by Autoimmune Liver Diseases Special Interest Group, Turkish Association for the Study of Liver
The Turkish journal of gastroenterology : the official journal of Turkish Society of Gastroenterology
, vol.34, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)

Articles Published in Other Journals
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Otoimmün hepatit tanılı çocuklarda tedavi kesimini etkileyen faktörler: tek merkez deneyimi
15. Ulusal Çocuk Gastroenteroloji, Hepatoloji ve Beslenme Kongresi, Trabzon, Turkey, 30 May - 02 June 2024
43. ULUSAL HEMATOLOJİ KONGRESİ, Antalya, Turkey, 1 - 04 October 2017
Comparison between rejection activity index and national institutes of health grading system in liver biopsies for the diagnosis of graft versus host disease
28th European Congress of Pathology, Köln, Germany, 25 September 2016
Primer Karnitin Eksikliği Saptanan Bebek Olguda Karaciğerde İzlenen Histopatolojik Değişiklikler: Nadir Bir Olgu Sunumu
25.Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi, 6.Sitopatoloji Kongresi, Bursa, Turkey, 14 - 17 October 2015
Diagnostic Potential of Serum Direct Markers and Noninvasive Fibrosis Models in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B (Poster)
The 21st Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL), Bangkok, Thailand, 17 - 20 February 2011
Çocuklarda İdiyopatik Duktopeni: Prognozu İyi Olabilir
7.Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 01 June 2009
Books & Book Chapters
Doku Yenilenmesi ve Onarım: Rejenerasyon, İyileşme ve Fibrozis
in: Robbins ve Cotran Hastalığın Patolojik Temeli, Prof.Dr. Aydın Sav, Prof.Dr. Şükrü Oğuz Özdamar,, Editor, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, pp.87-118, 2009