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Thesis Advisory


Event Organization

UN Sustainable Development Goals


Experimental Studies

Chemical Vapor Deposition System

An Ultrasonic Spray Chemical Vapor Deposition with Remote Spark Plasma Generator for Ozone generation for ZnO, MgZnO, CuO growth and their heterostructures.

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) System

An AFM system for structural investigations. Our compact, tabletop AFM system has all the important features and benefits expected from a light lever AFM and includes everything required for high-resolution scanning. It has a passive vibration prevention system.

Sample Sizes: Up to 1” X 1” X 3/4” Standard Scanning Modes: Vibrating (Tapping), Non-Vibrating, Scanners: 50 x 50 x 17 µm, 15 x 15 x 7 µm, Video Optical Microscope: Zoom to 400X, 2 µm resolution.

Computational Studies

Device Simulations

  • Aestimo 1D: Open-source 1D nano device simulator,

Density Functional Theory Studies

  • CASTEP is a full-featured material modeling code based on a first-principle quantum mechanical description of electrons and nuclei.
  • FHI-Aims: is an efficient, accurate, all-electron, full-potential electronic structure code package.
  • GPAW: GPAW is a density-functional theory (DFT) Python code based on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method.
  • gpaw-tools: UI and GUI for easy job and results management for DFT calculations. Uses GPAW, phonopy, ASAP3 and ASE.


Turkish Academy of Sciences, TUBA/GEBIP Programme 2016

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. Project numbers: 113F364, 114F508, 116F197

Gazi University. Project numbers: 05/2012-13, 05/2012-14, FGA-2022-7619

Research Subjects

Graphene and Other 2D Structures

  • Graphene-based transistors
  • Investigation of magnetoconductivity and surface properties of exfoliated and epitaxially grown graphene samples
  • Investigation of scattering mechanisms in epitaxial graphene on SiC substrate

Defects and Impurity Engineering

  • Investigation of the effects of defects/impurities on structural, electronic, and optical properties in graphene nanoribbons, graphene sheets, other 2D carbon allotropes and 2D black phosphorus, and 3D systems such as Si3N4 and MgZnO.
  • Experimental ODMR measurements of NV- centers in Diamond.

Wide Band-Gap Materials

  • Improvement of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) well parameters
  • Experimental investigation of electron transport, magnetotransport, and hot-electron transport properties
  • Investigation of the effect of Si3N4 surface passivation
  • InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells (MQWs)
  • Band engineering; High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) device design and modeling
  • Improvement of 2DEG well parameters
  • Investigation of hybrid GaN/ZnO heterostructures



Ga2O3/Cu2O p-n junction production and related computational studies with p-type Cu2O semiconductor thin films grown by Mist-CVD.

Investigation of Growth Behaviors and 2DEG Properties of MgZnO/ZnO Heterostructures grown by USPECVD.

High-Performance Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Transport and Device Properties of GaN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors with Ultrathin Barriers.

Modification of properties of two-dimensional electronic gas using in-situ surface passivation of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy.

Investigation of the effects of transition metal palladium on electronic, structural, and optical properties of graphene nanoribbons.

Numerical optimization of MgxZn1-xO/ZnO and BexZn1-xO/ZnO based heterostructure transistors.