SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Influence of pH value of precursor on growth, structural, and optical properties of Cu2O thin films grown in Mist-CVD
The comprehensive investigation of barrier layers on power loss mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
Structural and optical properties of mist-CVD grown MgZnO: Effect of precursor solution composition
First principles calculations of electronic and optical properties of InSe nanosheets doped with noble metal atoms
Effect of sulfur concentration on structural, optical and electrical properties of Cu2CoSnS4 absorber film for photovoltaic devices
Electronic Properties of a Novel Boron Polymorph: Ogee-Borophene
Morphological and optical characterizations of different ZnO nanostructures grown by mist-CVD
A structural analysis of ultrathin barrier (In)AlN/GaN heterostructures for GaN-based high-frequency power electronics
gpaw-tools – higher-level user interaction scripts for GPAW calculations and interatomic potential based structure optimization
Investigation of Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Grown on Different Substrates by Mist-CVD Enhanced with Ozone Gas Produced by Corona Discharge Plasma
A novel hot carrier-induced blue light-emitting device
Growth dynamics of mist-CVD grown ZnO nanoplatelets
The effect of barrier layers on 2D electron effective mass in Al0.3Ga0.7N/AlN/GaN heterostructures
Effect of magnesium content and growth temperature on structural and optical properties of USCVD-grown MgZnO films
The effect of passivation layer, doping and spacer layer on electron-longitudinal optical phonon momentum relaxation time in Al0.3Ga0.7N/AlN/GaN heterostructures
General-purpose open-source 1D self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson Solver: Aestimo 1D
Structural parameters and electronic properties of 2D carbon allotrope: Graphene with a kagome lattice structure
Effects of annealing under different atmospheres on structural and optical properties of USCVD grown ZnO nanostructures

Ab initio study of electronic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons passivated with heavy metal elements
Scattering analysis of ultrathin barrier (< 7nm) GaN-based heterostructures
Electronic properties of zigzag ZnO nanoribbons with hydrogen and magnesium passivations
Electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons doped with zinc, cadmium, mercury atoms

Negative Differential Resistance Observation and a New Fitting Model for Electron Drift Velocity in GaN-Based Heterostructures
Electronic and optical properties of black phosphorus doped with Au, Sn and I atoms
Structural and optical properties of hexagonal ZnO nanostructures grown by ultrasonic sprayCVD
High Figure-of-Merit(V-BR(2)/R-ON) AlGan/GAN Power HEMT With Periodically C-Doped GaN Buffer and AlGAN Back Barrier
IEEE JOURNAL OF THE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY, cilt.6, sa.1, ss.1179-1186, 2018 (SCI-Expanded)

A Comparative Study of AlGaN and InGaN Back-Barriers in Ultrathin-Barrier AlN/GaN Heterostructures
A first principles investigation of the effect of aluminum, gallium and indium impurities on optical properties of beta-Si3N4 structure
Effect of substitutional As impurity on electrical and optical properties of beta-Si3N4 structure
Electronic properties of Li-doped zigzag graphene nanoribbons

Two dimensional electron gas in a hybrid GaN/InGaN/ZnO heterostructure with ultrathin InGaN channel layer

Scattering analysis of 2DEG mobility in undoped and doped AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures with an in situ Si3N4 passivation layer
Energy relaxation of hot electrons by LO phonon emission in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure with in situ Si3N4 passivation
Evaluation of morphological and chemical differences of gunshot residues in different ammunitions using SEM/EDS technique
The variation of temperature-dependent carrier concentration and mobility in AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure with SiN passivation
PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, cilt.252, sa.9, ss.1960-1965, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)

The Relationship Between the Surface Morphology and Chemical Composition of Gunshot Residue Particles
Energy Relaxation of Electrons in InGaN Quantum Wells

Numerical investigation of the 2DEG properties of AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMT structures with InGaN/GaN MQW back-barrier structure

Electron Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in BexZn1-xO/ZnO Heterostructures
Analytic modeling of temperature dependence of 2D carrier mobility in as-grown and annealed GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well structures
Extraction and scattering analyses of 2D and bulk carriers in epitaxial graphene-on-SiC structure

SiC Substrate Effects on Electron Transport in the Epitaxial Graphene Layer
Optical gain in 1.3-mu m electrically driven dilute nitride VCSOAs
A numerical study on subband structure of InxAl1-xN/GaN-based HEMT structures with low-indium (x < 0.10) barrier layer
Numerical optimization of two-dimensional electron gas in MgxZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures (0.10 < x < 0.30)
First-principles calculations of Pd-terminated symmetrical armchair graphene nanoribbons
The effect of InxGa1-xN back-barriers on the dislocation densities in Al0.31Ga0.69N/AlN/GaN/InxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures (0.05 <= x <= 0.14)
Determination of the LO phonon energy by using electronic and optical methods in AlGaN/GaN
Ab initio study of Ru-terminated and Ru-doped armchair graphene nanoribbons
Hakemli Kongre/Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar
DFT Investigation of Electronic and Optical Properties of Silver Doped Germanene
Turkish Physical Society 37th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 01 Eylül 2021, ss.240
First Principle Calculations of Zn and Cd-Doped Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.611
AlGaN/GaN-temelli Yuksek Hareketlilige Sahip Transistorlerde InGaN Geribariyerin Dislokasyon Yogunluguna Etkisi
ADIM Physics Congress II, Denizli, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Nisan 2012, ss.131
Numerical Optimization of 2DEG Improvement in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with C-GaN/u-GaN Multi-layer Buffer Structure
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.629
Ultraince AlN GaN Çokluyapılarda Farklı Katmanların Katkılanmasının 2BEG Üzerine etkisi
ADIM Fizik Günleri V, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Nisan 2016
Sigma Vectors in Nodal Aberration Theory for High-Precision Telescope Alignment
Fotonik 2022, Ankara, Türkiye, 09 Eylül 2022
P tipi ve N tipi InGaN Arka Bariyerli Ultraince AlInN GaN Çoklu Yapılarda İki Boyutlu Elektron Gazı
ADIM Physics Congress V, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Nisan 2016, cilt.163
Electrical characteristics of GaAs AlGaAs Structures in the wide Frequency and applied bias voltage ranges at room temperature
1st International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT’2015), 25 - 28 Mart 2015
A First Principle Calculations of Monolayer InSe Impurity with Pd, Pt, Ag, and Au
Turkish Physical Society 37th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 01 Eylül 2021, ss.239
Effects of ultrathin InGaN channel layer on two dimensional electron gas in hybrid GaN/InGaN/ZnO heterostructures
Turkish Physical Society 31th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 21 Temmuz 2014, ss.406
Influence of interface traps on device performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTS with Si3N4 passivation
Turkish Physical Society 31th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 21 Temmuz 2014, ss.371
Electron Confinement in Lattice-Matched InAlN/AlN/GaN Heterostructures with AlyGa1-yN Back-barrier
8th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Ankara, Türkiye, 25 - 29 Haziran 2012, ss.332
Ultraince Bariyerli AlN GaN Çoklu Yapılarda Farklı Katmanların 2BEG Üzerine Etkisi
ADIM Physics Congress V, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Nisan 2016, cilt.164
Spin-coherence time measurements of NV- centers in 15N, 15N2 and O implanted diamond
Quantum Optics and Informatics Meeting – 4 (Kobit 4), İzmir, Türkiye, 14 - 15 Mayıs 2020
Optimized Ab Initio Studies on Electronic Structure of Wurtzite MgZnO
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.630
Evolution of HELLISH devices: Colurful story of HELLISH Devices from IR to VIS light
The Physics of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, 27 - 28 Mart 2017
Li KAtkılı Zigzag Kenarlı Grafen Nano Şeritlerin Elektronik Özelliklerinin DFT ile İncelenmesi
ADIM Fizik Günleri V, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Nisan 2016
13TH INTERNATIONAL İSTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS, İstanbul, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Ekim 2024, ss.845-856
Ultraince Bariyere Sahip AlN GaN ve InAlN GaN HEMT Yapıların Yapısal ve Yüzey Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
18. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 23 Eylül 2016, cilt.72
Investigation of The Electronic Properties of Zinc and Magnesium Adsorption on Graphene Sheets
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.620
First Principles Study of Interaction Between Ru and Graphene Nanoribbons
2nd Int. Conf. on Comp. for Sci. and Techno, Niğde, Türkiye, 9 - 11 Temmuz 2012, ss.70
A Theoretical Study of (5,0) Zigzag BexZn1-Xo Nanotubes: Investigation of Structural, Electronic and Optic Properties Using Density Functional Theory
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.588
Li Katkılı Zigzag Kenarlı Grafen Nano Şeritlerin Elektronik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
ADIM Physics Congress V, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Nisan 2016, cilt.151
GaN-tabanli HEMT Yapilarin Hareketliligi ve Tasiyici Yogunlugunun Deneysel Incelenmesi
1. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir, Türkiye, 06 Nisan 2012, ss.18
Investigation of electrical properties of two dimensional hole gas in hybrid InGaN/ZnO heterotructure
Turkish Physical Society 31th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 21 Temmuz 2014, ss.401
Two diodes model in the forward bias current voltage I V characteristics of Al0 33Ga0 67As n GaAs at room temperature
1st International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT’2015), 25 - 28 Mart 2015
13TH INTERNATIONAL İSTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS, İstanbul, Türkiye, 1 - 03 Ekim 2024, ss.857-868
A First Principle Investigations of The Electronic Structures For ZGNRs Terminated With Zn, Cd and H
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.587
Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanoplatelet Structure Grown by Mist-CVD
Turkish Physical Society 37th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 01 Eylül 2021, ss.240
Determination of Structural and Electrical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Grown By Mist-Cvd Method on Sapphire with Different Orientations
Turkish Physical Society 37th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 01 Eylül 2021, ss.236
Hot electron transport based devices for optoelectronics
International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Science, 11 - 15 Ekim 2017
The Effect of Zinc, Cadmium and Hydrogen Terminations on The Electronic Structure of Symetrical AGNRs
Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.648
Ultraince Bariyerli GaN Temelli HEMT lerde Elektron Gazının Elektriksel Özellikleri ve Saçılma Analizleri
18. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, Türkiye, 23 Eylül 2016, cilt.50
The Weak Localization in a Two Dimensional Electron Gas in AlInN AlN GaN Heterostructures
18. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 23 Eylül 2016
Sn I Au gibi Bazı Safsızlıkların Siyah Fosfor un Elektronik ve Optik Özelliklerine Etkileri
18. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 23 Eylül 2016
Investigation of the effect of the arsenic impurity on the electronic and optical properties of β–Si3N4dielectric material
Turkish Physical Society 31th International Physics Congress, Muğla, Türkiye, 21 Temmuz 2014, ss.402
Numerical Investigation Of 2DEG Properties In Ultrathin Barrier AlN GaN Heterostructures With AlGaN and InGaN Back Barriers
18. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 23 Eylül 2016, cilt.47
Sigma Vector Calculations in Nodal Aberration Theory (NAT) and its Experimental Investigations
10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Air and Space Technologies, RAST 2023, İstanbul, Türkiye, 7 - 09 Haziran 2023

Electrical characteristics of GaAs AlGaAs Structures in thewide Frequency ranges
2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials, Kırşehir, Türkiye, 28 Eylül - 02 Ekim 2016
Kenarlari Paladyum Atomlari ile Sonlandirilmis Farkli Genisliklerdeki Armchair Grafen Nanoseritlerin Elektronik Ozelliklerinin Yogunluk Fonksiyonu Teorisi Kullanilarak Incelenmesi
1. Yoğun Madde Fiziği İzmir Toplantısı, İzmir, Türkiye, 06 Nisan 2012, ss.1
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri
Chapter 15: The Effects of the Interaction of Transition Metals on the Electronic Properties of the Graphene Nanosheets and Nanoribbons
Graphene Science Handbook Vol.3, Mahmood Aliofkhazraei,Nasar Ali,William I. Milne,Cengiz S. Ozkan,Stanislaw Mitura,Juana L. Gervasoni, Editör, CRC, New York , Florida, ss.221-235, 2016
Nanoteknoloji Devrimini Anlamak
Nobel Yayınevi, 2014